In 2024, Blue Prosperity partners around the world led by example in advancing sustainable ocean management for a healthier ocean, thriving communities, and a brighter future.
Highlights from this year include:
The Azores established the largest Marine Protected Area network in the North Atlantic
In October, the Azores established a network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), protecting 287,000 km² of the archipelago’s ocean and creating a sanctuary for nature such as sharks, fish, whales, deep-sea corals and unique hydrothermal vent ecosystems.
The Government of the Azores, supported by the Blue Azores program, used the best available science and a highly participatory process to create this MPA network to benefit people, nature, and the economy. The region’s leadership in protecting their marine environment serves as a blueprint to the world which will ensure a healthy ocean for future generations.
“Our ancestors looked to the ocean and saw only resources to extract. Today, we see a living system that sustains us all. The choice before world leaders is clear: act now to protect our ocean, or explain to future generations why we waited too long.”
- Jose Manuel Bolieiro, President of the Regional Government of the Azores
Marine Spatial Plans released in Bermuda and Samoa
The Government of Bermuda released its Final Draft Blue Prosperity Plan in April 2024, which incorporated hundreds of comments received through stakeholder engagement meetings, town halls, pop-up events, emails, and surveys after the release of the first draft Blue Prosperity Plan in August 2022. It includes a Blue Economy Strategy and a Marine Spatial Plan that aims to expand upon currently existing legislated marine areas in Bermuda and provide a framework to expand the island’s Blue Economy.
Samoa’s Marine Spatial Plan, released in October 2024, will fully protect 30% and sustainably manage 100% of its ocean by 2030. Created by and for the people of Samoa, it aims to bolster ocean health and support sustainable economic development. Following extensive consultations with government agencies, the private sector, and local communities, the Plan will establish nine new fully protected MPAs alongside existing zones.
"Samoa has taken decisive action in launching its Marine Spatial Plan. This comprehensive initiative aims to protect 30% of our ocean by 2030, representing Samoa’s commitment to marine biodiversity and sustainable ocean management. The plan contributes to achievements lined out in our Samoa Ocean Strategy.”
- Hon. Minister Toeolesulusulu Cedric Schuster, Samoa’s Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Community engagement held in the Federated States of Micronesia and Bermuda
Blue Prosperity Micronesia conducted an Ocean Use Survey in Yap to learn about how residents use and value their ocean, representing more than 1,200 individuals. The survey results will be shared back with local communities and will help the Government in understanding areas of personal, economical, cultural, and ecological importance of the ocean to community members. The survey results will also inform the development of a future Marine Spatial Plan that will safeguard marine environments and plan for sustainable economic growth.
Following the release of Bermuda’s Final Draft Blue Prosperity Plan, comments from stakeholders were welcomed and an independent review process was recently completed from a panel of marine science experts appointed by the Government of Bermuda. The panel’s recommendations were informed by extensive stakeholder feedback from consultations over the last few years and aim to balance the ecological health of Bermuda’s marine environment with the island's economic needs.
Science Reports Released in Samoa, Fiji, and Vanuatu
This year, our partners released scientific reports to provide context for decision makers to guide sustainable ocean management. These reports include:
2022 Samoa Coastal Marine Expedition Report
2023 Blue Prosperity Fiji Ocean Science Expedition: Preliminary Report
2023 Blue Prosperity Vanuatu Coral Reef Study: Preliminary Report
“One of the major goals of this Blue Prosperity Fiji Expedition was to provide local communities with an up-to-date status report on the health of their ocean and its resources. We can and must use Fiji’s traditional values, knowledge and practices to revive and strengthen traditional resource use by integrating these with scientific data.”
- Dr. Joeli Veitayaki, Strategic Adviser, Blue Prosperity Fiji
Blue Prosperity Partners led on the global stage at 4 international conferences
Blue Prosperity Partners attended four major conferences this year to advance ocean protection: Our Ocean Conference (OOC) in Greece, The 4th International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS4) in Antigua and Barbuda, The 53rd Pacific Islands Forum Leaders Meeting (PIFLM53) in Tonga, and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in Samoa.
New Blue Prosperity Team Members
John Kaitu'u
Waitt Institute
Marine Spatial Planning Technical Manager
Dr. Shaistha Mohamed
Waitt Institute
Stakeholder Engagement Manager
Fathimath Nistharan
Waitt Institute
Marine Spatial Planning Manager
Olivia Grace Barnes
Waitt Institute
Communications Fellow
Shanalin Lee Ling
Blue Prosperity Micronesia
Program Coordinator